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  • Ring Number Six

    Ring Number Six, in Resin, 22k Gold and Diamonds

    One of the purpose of the FOAK IT! project was to experiment and let creativity run wild, and that is what happened with Ring Number Six. I had samples of color resin for many years stored in my studio wondering what to do with them, and Ring Number Six was the perfect opportunity for it.

    I knew I wanted to use different colors resin in one ring but wasn’t sure which colors or what the ring was going to look like. My mother, who was visiting us for the week, voted for the purple colors. Being that she is the one in charge of trends and design in my family’s fabric business, I tried to listen to her so I started working with the purple sample. But the fact that we are opposites when it comes to taste (and many other things lol) I could not continue, and decided to switch to the blue samples.

    It was an interesting material to work with and I like what the blue color gradation looks like. So I joined the pieces together in an ombre style, which I loved. Still, something was missing, I wanted to add some 22k gold to it both to add a pop of color and make it a true Fine One of A Kind piece, but my great designer friend Christine Lupo had a great suggestion to add a diamond as well. It was the perfect solution.

    Creating the bezels was easy, not sure why this happened to me, I have set stones many times but setting these diamonds wasn’t easy. I would think they were set but the diamonds kept falling off when I cleaned them under the steamer! It took a long time to get them right and some swearing along the way. Finally, I assembled all the components together and Ring Number Five is finished!

    I am curious to see what you think the ring, of its style, of the use unconventional materials? Please comment below, as feedback is always welcome for this project.

    This week I have seen all over my Instagram feed many of my jewelry designer friends post images of gemstones they have seen in at the gemstone show Tucson, Arizona. I have been to the show in the past and still have many beautiful stones that I purchased, so for Ring Number Seven I want to use some of them. I am still undecided and will post on Instagram a few different options. Make sure to click HERE  and follow me to give me your feedback.

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